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Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪
2017-12-23 09:43:28 来源:SallyCreaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪
Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪产品简介:Creaform Inc.世界三维激光扫描先进技术的领航者,是目前世界先进、第三代的手持式自定 位三维扫描系统的制造商。面向全球用户,我公司可提三维扫描及测量产品, 三维数字扫描, 设计, 造型, 产品工程及技术服务、应用支持和完整三维数字解决方案,并配置国际先进的数控系统和各种功能完善的测量软件,以满足广大制造业对质量保证和生产过程的要求。我公司拥有一支训 练有素的3D扫描及软件技术服务和应用支持队伍,可为客户提供全方位的三维数字技术支持和服务,对于客户的任何技术问题,承诺12小时内予以积极响应,48小时之内到用户现场解决相应问题。
Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维激光扫描仪详细介绍:
Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪技术描述 Technical Description
A. Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪主机 Machine:(I)
作为世界三维数字技术革新的领航者,形创公司全新推出的Handyscan 3D系列手持式自定位三维扫描系统,使得三维数字化扫描再次上升到一个新的高度,能够完成 各种大小、内外以及逆向工程和形面三维检测应用。该系统具备以下先进的技术特点:
As the world’s leading innovator in,Creaform’s new Self-positioning Handyscan 3D laser scanner redefines portability that can up to the requirement of 3D laser digital scanning for the small or big, outside or internal of the object, , inspection, inspection and reverse engineering application. The Handyscan3D includes these powerful features:
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪 目标点自动定位,无须臂或其他跟踪设备
Target Self –positioning, without Arm or other tracking equipment to do the 3D scanning.
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪即插即用的系统. 快速安装及使用.
Plus-play system, installed and use immediately.
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪自动生成 STL 三角网格面,STL 格式可快速处理数据
Automatic generate the STL polygon surface and easy for data and surface edition .
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪高分辨率的 CCD 系统, 2 个 CCD 及 2 个十字激光发射器和 1 个单线激光发射器, 扫描更清晰和精确.
Higher resolution CCD system, with 2 CCD camera ,2 cross laser beam and 1 laser line. Can scan very detail and accurately.
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪点云无分层, 自动生成三维实体图形(三角网格面).
No point cloud offset, so the data could auto-generated the STL polygon surface.
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪手持任意扫描, 随身携带,只有 850 克
Handy hold and scanning freely, very portable, the weight is only 850g.
• 7 束十字交叉激光束和 1 个额外的一束激光扫描速度快,达到 48 万次测量/秒.
Seven cross laser beam and additional 1 laser beam, scanning speed is very fast. Around 480,000 points/sec.
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪可内,外扫描,无局限.可多台扫描头同时工作扫描,所有的数据都在同一个坐标 系中
Can scan the outside and internal surface of the object. Many scanners could work in the same alignment .
•Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪可控制扫描文件的大小,根据细节需求,组合扫描不同的部位.
The data file is small and controlled. Can scan and display very detail area.
Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪性能指标Performance Specifications
可达 0.03mm
Up to 0.03mm
Speed of scanning:
可达250mm (自动)
The depth of the camera adjustment:
max. 250mm
The Scope of Scanning:
no limited.
0-40 °C
0-40 °C
Humidity :
10%-95% Non-Condensing
100 – 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Electricalrequirements :
100 – 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Creaform Handyscan700手持式三维扫描仪软件功能:
VXelements三维扫描处理软件,Scanning software
Powerful VXelements 3D scanning software is the ideal solution for your 3D digital scanning requirement. With VXelements software, you can mamage your scanning data file with efficiency size and accuracy. This comprehensive software features an easy-to-use operator interface that guides you through the data edit, save and re use session function. Plus, with plug in, you can integrated into many CAD softwares. Such as Geomagic, Polyworks, Rapidform,etc.
VXelements提供了如下先进的性能Main Features:
* Windows7/8的操作系统
* 即插即用的软件操作系统
* 三维图形扫描即时显现
* 从点云到STL或Polygon 模式, 瞬即完成.
* 多种标准数据文件格式输出,兼容多种CAD软件,如Geomagic,Catia,UG,Rapidform Polywork等.
* 网格面的***优化处理
* 表面***优化运算
* 组合扫描, 同一坐标系的建立
* 精细扫描
* 点云无分层
* 可输出STL. IGES, ASC等数据文件格式.
* 不同部位不同色彩扫描显示.
* Windows XP/Vista Operation System
* Plug and Play Software
* 3D surface real time rendering
* STL file with automatic polygon surface generation
* Many files format output, could be integerated into many CAD software, such as Geomagic, CATIAV5, Polyworks, Rapidform, etc.
* Surface and meshing optimization algorithms
* Different combine partes could be scanned in one alignment.
* Very detail scanning with very higher resolution
* Without point cloud offset
* Output different file format, such as STL, IGES, ASC,etc.
* Different position scanning with different color display.
Creaform Handyscan700产品使用的整个生命周期,都能成为您的***佳助手
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